Sunday, September 19, 2010

its really hard to keep posting on this thing

i guess it might be my age, generation, but i didn't grow up with computers really, so i find it very hard to keep posting on my blog. BUT i will try to keep this up, in hopes one day people will really read this and maybe be interested in what I've got going on.

this is a picture taken last summer at my cousins JoJo's wedding, that me sewing her into her dress, the zipper broke because to many people with no fashion skills at all were trying to zip her up and when no one else could i tried. once i got her in, the zipper popped and me and my aunt gypsy had to sew her in.  aunt gypsy made the dress, she is so talented its amazing, my personal hero. there are so many women in my family that are very skilled sewers, but not to brag, aunt gypsy, myself, and JoJo are by far the best. 

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