Sunday, September 19, 2010


so one of my many reasons to start a blog was to tell yall about my Fashion and Jewelry line called DEDA&YOUNG. DEDA&YOUNG is a collaboration between myself and my best friend Sophia Park, i make the clothing and help make some of the more simple jewelry, and Sophia does all of the beautiful, intricate bead work, two finger rings, and all of our more unique body jewelry. pretty much, she is one of the most talented artist i have ever met, and i have the pleasure of working with her. here are a few pictures of DEDA&YOUNGS first fashion line.

the pictures are not so good, we were rushed and had 18 models to get ready, so we just dressed a few of them. we didnt even have time for hair. good pictures of ALL the pieces will be taken soon and uploaded to the DEDA&YOUNG blog. 

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