Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Klaus Nomi

the man that inspired my next fashion line

Opera singer
Performance artist

my wee little baby Bonita

she is no longer with us, but she is still my one and only

If I had all the money in the world

From LITTER, Fashiontoast

a few fashion inspirations for my next line

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


dear god i miss louisiana 
fu bmore

Spank Rock

so I was asked by my old boss at Diece to be in then new Spank Rock video, and the other night I went to there show in Baltimore and was asked to dance on stage with them
this picture was found by my friend Jake
not sure where he got it
I look kinda funky but I am wearing the sickest vest with long fringe at the bottom.

i need to get a camera 

Monday, February 15, 2010

My last fashion line

so here are a few nice photos of my last fashion line
they were taken by this guy
I am not a fan of him personally
but some of his portraits are nice, not to mention several nude photos of yours truly
C'est la vie

First Blog Post

So Hi
Im DEDA, or that is what my family call me. I am a designer, artist and current student at MICA (its an art school, look it up) and I want to share my fashion with the world. I am from the deep south (Louisiana) but live in the north now. Enjoy Chere